Helping you create more strategic value by transforming how you engage with your stakeholders

A new way of learning calls for a new way of engaging in L&D roles.

It’s becoming clear we are coming up against the limits of traditional approaches to learning and development. New ways of thinking about learning and new practices are needed both within L&D and beyond. 

At the heart of this shift is a new way of engaging with and supporting our stakeholders. We are being called to go beyond reactively solving problems to helping build the developmental capacity and capabilities needed to survive and thrive in a rapidly changing, unpredictable environment. 

“Our focus shifts to building developmental capability within our stakeholder systems: helping them to evolve their capacity for continuous learning and strategic growth.”

– Tom Palmer

How it Works

Micro-Learning Modules

Short, enaging, mobile-friendly content designed to lay the foundation to our unique approach to coaching for L&D pros.

Group Coaching Sessions

Get coached by experienced Capability Coaches as well as build valuable coaching skills through lived experience.

Community of Practice

Receive continuous support within a community of Capability Coaches with a social learning platform, resources and special events.

"The program worked on the 'deeper layers' - reflecting on our own performance as individuals and as a team. I learned a lot about my team members, the challenges we are facing and how to overcome."
Anke Aidam
Global Learning Leader, Signify Philips

© Skills By Design LLC – request permission to use

Future Skills = Developmental Capabilities

To a greater degree each day, functional skills based on best practices are being automated. If it can be programmed, a machine can do it faster, better, and cheaper. 

The work left for human beings requires a different set of capabilities. We call these developmental capabilities: those that allow us to not only manage change but participate in shaping it, as well as effectively managing ourselves in the process. 

What are these core developmental capabilities and how are they developed? 

Questions? Drop us a line or schedule a quick no-cost, no-pressure call here